If you are interested in learning more about the offices of the SCA, please click on the headline below to view more.
Arts & Science Minister
What is the Arts and Science Minister responsible for?
SCA Arts & Sciences are all the crafts, skills, and technologies practiced in the time period and cultures that our studies cover. SCA participants learn and practice these skills, and then share them with others. You will see the results in use and on display at our events – the costumes (garb) we wear, the armor used in combat, the illuminated scrolls presented in Court, and the recipes used for a feast, just to name a few. The local Arts & Science Minister reports to the Kingdom Arts & Science Minister.
For our Shire, our A&S Minister organizes the classes for our monthly meeting, lunch and learns, and is a resource for questions and answers. They must be warranted, and also complete quarterly and doomsday reporting to the Kingdom. All Group Officers are expected to report before their populace at business meetings - in writing or in person, monthly, and are likewise responsible for On/Offboarding new Deputies, and being mindful of your own Warrant expiration, Successor deputy, or Re-up - in line with the Transparency of Opportunity Advert Policy.
What is the Chatelaine responsible for?
A Chatelaine is an officer who acts as a kind of liaison between the SCA and the modern world. They help introduce new participants into the SCA by not only introducing them to experienced members, but also by teaching them about SCA and Kingdom traditions, customs and rules and helping new participants fit in. Chatelaines teach both formal and informal classes for new participants and have a wealth of resources that they make available to new participants, such as websites, pamphlets, handouts and SCA publications. Chatelaines also work with teachers and other members of the local community to coordinate educational demonstrations by our members. Educational demonstrations, or “Demos”, are popular in schools of all grade levels, Scout groups and many other kinds of social organizations. Demos help bring history to life. The local Chatelaine reports to the Kingdom Chatelaine.
For our Shire, the Chatelaine is the Newcomer representative on site at events run by the Shire, and in charge of coordinating Demos. They must be warranted, and also complete quarterly and doomsday reporting to the Kingdom. All Group Officers are expected to report before their populace at business meetings - in writing or in person, monthly, and are likewise responsible for On/Offboarding new Deputies, and being mindful of your own Warrant expiration, Successor deputy, or Re-up - in line with the Transparency of Opportunity Advert Policy.
Chancellor of the Exchequer
What is the Chancellor of the Exchequer responsible for?
As a local Chancellor of the Exchequer your primary duty is to watch over your Shire’s assets. This includes assets in any form but primarily financial assets. This means maintaining at least a current account and possibly savings accounts as well, if your Shire has enough money to warrant this. You are responsible for reconciling the bank statements for these accounts and for preparing financial reports as required by the SCA. You are expected to be familiar with Society Law, stay in contact with and report to the Kingdom Exchequer, and keep the group records prepared for an audit at any time. You must also maintain the group's Financial policy.
Additionally, you will be trained to become responsible for the following:
Collecting event reservations from the autocrat or reservations steward
Taking charge of the cash box when the event gate closes and verifying the money held in it against a record of money collected
Collecting expense receipts and unspent money advanced for expenses
Collecting other payments such as newsletter subscriptions, submission fees, fight practice fees/donations, and so on, either directly or from the appropriate officer
Receiving donations from demos and fundraisers
Recovering payment and bank fees on bad cheques
Paying site fees, deposits, and other routine bills
Issuing cash advances for major event expenses
Withdrawing cash to seed the gate cash box
Transferring NMS payments and Kingdom profit share to the Kingdom Exchequer
Issuing reimbursements for allowed expenses
Issuing refunds for event fees in accordance with your Shire’s policy
Purchasing inventory and major supplies approved by your group
They must be warranted, and also complete quarterly and doomsday reporting to the Kingdom. All Group Officers are expected to report before their populace at business meetings - in writing or in person, monthly, and are likewise responsible for On/Offboarding new Deputies, and being mindful of your own Warrant expiration, Successor deputy, or Re-up - in line with the Transparency of Opportunity Advert Policy.
What is the Chronicler responsible for?
The Chronicler maintains and keeps the history of the local group along with publishing newsletters and other publications, and taking and publishing meeting notes. The local Chronicler reports to the Kingdom Chronicler.
For our Shire, the Chronicler takes notes during monthly meetings and publishes them after for the populace. They must be warranted, and also complete quarterly and doomsday reporting to the Kingdom. All Group Officers are expected to report before their populace at business meetings - in writing or in person, monthly, and are likewise responsible for On/Offboarding new Deputies, and being mindful of your own Warrant expiration, Successor deputy, or Re-up - in line with the Transparency of Opportunity Advert Policy.
What is the Herald responsible for?
The Herald helps research period naming and armorial practices for the registration of names and armory. They call announcements, proclaiming who is fighting upon the field, and acting as the voice of nobility in court. Heralds record awards and honors bestowed, drafting ceremonies, and determine precedence and other period legal niceties. The local Herald reports to the Kingdom Triskele Principal Herald.
For our Shire, the Herald calls Shire meetings to open and close, and assists members answering questions about heraldry and assisting with naming and armorial practices. They must be warranted, and also complete quarterly and doomsday reporting to the Kingdom. All Group Officers are expected to report before their populace at business meetings - in writing or in person, monthly, and are likewise responsible for On/Offboarding new Deputies, and being mindful of your own Warrant expiration, Successor deputy, or Re-up - in line with the Transparency of Opportunity Advert Policy.
Knight Marshal
What is the Knight Marshal responsible for?
The Knight Marshal is responsible for the Development and Encouragement of Marshal Combat and Education unto the Shire of Bentonshire, to include Authorization of new fighters. They must be a Warranted Marshal through the Trimarian Earl Marshal Handbook Requirements, be well versed in the Handbook and Kingdom Marshal related Laws and Regulations. Keep Group Seneschal apprised of "Reporting in Good standing", apprised of any injury or legal concerns, and ensuring Waivers signed by non-Authorized fighters at practice. Keep Webminister updated on any Marshal Events, and responsible for filling out the Tournament Report after events run by the local group.
For our Shire, the Knight Marshal runs official Shire practices, obtains and maintains combat waivers, assists new fighters with locating loaner gear, assists in fighter authorizations, fills out the Tournament Report after events run by the Shire, and injury reports as needed. They must be warranted, and also complete quarterly and doomsday reporting to the Kingdom. All Group Officers are expected to report before their populace at business meetings - in writing or in person, monthly, and are likewise responsible for On/Offboarding new Deputies, and being mindful of your own Warrant expiration, Successor deputy, or Re-up - in line with the Transparency of Opportunity Advert Policy.
What is the Seneschal responsible for?
The Seneschal is the head of the local group. They are the mundane face of the group, sign contracts and checks, and are responsible for the actions of the populace inasmuch as that affects the business side or good name of the organization. You might be counseling a citizen on their behavior one moment, running down the owner of a lost wallet the next, and then 3 hours in your phone looking up one sentence out of 300 emails and 6 policy documents, followed by helping take down tables from a feast which you paid for but missed eating because All the Things. Also, be proficient in Google Suite, understand SCA Corpora, Kingdom Law, the SCA Sanctions and Investigations handbook, the SCA Seneschal’s Handbook, and the unwritten customs of Trimaris. The local Seneschal reports to the Kingdom Seneschal.
For our Shire, the Seneschal runs monthly Shire meetings, signs contracts and checks, follows the Seneschal Handbook and documents mentioned above for rules and policies, maintains the Shire’s documents and google drive. They must be warranted, and also complete quarterly and doomsday reporting to the Kingdom. All Group Officers are expected to report before their populace at business meetings - in writing or in person, monthly, and are likewise responsible for On/Offboarding new Deputies, and being mindful of your own Warrant expiration, Successor deputy, or Re-up - in line with the Transparency of Opportunity Advert Policy.
What is the Webminister responsible for?
The Webminister maintains the local group’s social media and internet presence. They also assist with officer email and access concerns. The online presence of the local group can lead to new members and the overall growth of the local group and our Kingdom! The local Webminister reports to the Kingdom Webminister.
For our Shire, the Webminister maintains the Shire’s website, maintains and moderates the Shire’s facebook group and events, maintains the correct information for our Shire’s portion of the Kingdom Discord Server, and assists the Shire’s officers with email and access concerns. They must be warranted, and also complete quarterly and doomsday reporting to the Kingdom. All Group Officers are expected to report before their populace at business meetings - in writing or in person, monthly, and are likewise responsible for On/Offboarding new Deputies, and being mindful of your own Warrant expiration, Successor deputy, or Re-up - in line with the Transparency of Opportunity Advert Policy.